Perfect Your Postal Code Search

Have you ever run into postal codes that are not on Polaris but are on Google or vice versa? This is because postal codes need to be created, retired or reused monthly to accommodate new developments. Occasionally, this may impact your searches on Polaris. We want you to always be successful when using our application, and have all the information you may need to navigate this here! […]

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Release Notes April 25, 2022

Happy Spring! We have an exciting new module for this release: Trend Analysis! The Trend Analysis module enables users to view historical changes (since 2016) for customer files, trade areas, and pre-defined markets, across 23 demographic reports. Don’t forget to check out our other exciting new features such as changing background colour and font size in the Mapping Centre and historical data for Feature Selection! […]

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Release Notes March 11, 2022

Happy March! This release focuses on making Polaris more in line with your business needs. We improved the POI Module to use SVG files as custom Point of Interest Pins! We also implemented up and down arrows in the Compare Tab within the Mapping Centre’s Trade Area section. We are always open to hearing your suggestions, so let us know what you think of this update! […]

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Release Notes February 7, 2022

We recently said hello to a New Year and today we will say hello to new data! February’s release introduces the 2021/2022 data vintage. We added new features to the gravity model to provide users with a more accurate and precise report. Not to mention, with historical profiling, Polaris users can now create reports using 2019, 2020, and 2021 demographic and consumer behaviour data! To top it off, we […]

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Release Notes January 10, 2022

We welcome the New Year with a new and improved Polaris! This month’s release brings new functionalities and updates to our Mapping Centre, CanaCode Lifestyle Clusters, and to Pre-defined Market lists throughout Polaris. We optimized several Polaris modules, such as the Targeting and Manage My Favourites modules, to create a smoother and better user experience. We also introduced improvements such as search refin […]

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Release Notes November 5, 2021

November’s release showcases several new convenient, useful features as well as multiple enhancements to continue improving the Polaris user experience. In the Targeting module, “Click to select” has replaced checkboxes on the View Target Project page, as well as the ability to keep previously selected variables after switching years in Targeting, along with further improvements. Additionally, several messages in Polaris […]

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Release Notes October 1, 2021

The release this month introduces new features as well as several enhancements to streamline Polaris users’ experience! Paging buttons were introduced, as well as loading screens. We added the ability to select multiple items with two clicks, in several data tables throughout Polaris. Some pop-up messages were added to keep users informed of the processes of Polaris. We also introduced the ability to overwrite […]

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Release Notes August 10, 2021

This month’s release brings new features and sitewide enhancements. Users can now use Layered Maps to save multiple map types at once, create markets using DA and Shape files, and customize pin/logo size for POI maps. Users can also share Thematic Maps and Layered Maps with team members on Polaris. Additionally, optimized search functions and new uploading features like progress bars make Polaris faster, more efficient […]

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Release Notes June 21, 2021

This release is packed with new features! Additions range from compatibility with MapInfo files to Driving Distance in POI to Export as Thematic Map in Targeting. These features work in tandem with several enhancements, making Polaris both smoother and more powerful. We added labels to Thematic Maps, enabled showing and hiding POI Pins based on the Pin Categories, […]

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Release Notes April 12, 2021

This release, we bring to you some new and helpful features into the Mapping Centre that offer more information and more flexibility in how users can present their mapping data, such as the option to un-cluster pins in Heat Maps and the ability to generate reports based on driving distance. Alongside this, we deliver some various enhancements throughout Polaris to help keep your user experience as smooth and intuitive as possible. […]

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